rec by Christina :)
my goodreads review: such a fun read, can’t wait to watch the movie when it comes out! loved the romance but also loved the exploration of family dynamics and grief. would recommend this to anyone who likes rom-com
I’m not ashamed of my upbringing, but the more you tell a person about yourself, the more power you hand over.
I remember that feeling, of not being enough. Of wanting so badly to be what Libby needed after we lost Mom and failing, over and over again […] But I was trying to live up to a memory, the phantom of someone we’d both loved.
After losing Mom, those were the endings I found solace in. The ones that said, Yes, you have lost something, but maybe, someday, you’ll find something too.
For a decade, I’ve known I will never again have everything, and so all I’ve wanted is to believe that, someday, again, I’ll have enough. The ache won’t always be so bad. People like me aren’t broken beyond repair. No ice ever freezes too thick to thaw and no thorns ever grow too dense to be cut away.
After Nora tells Charlie about her ex and how she couldn’t imagine letting anyone close to her afterwards, she says sorry for ‘oversharing’ and he says
“Don’t be sorry. Please don’t apologize for letting me know you.”
AHH where can I meet a male character (human irl lol) that was written by a woman like this one?!! 완전 감동 ㅠ
a reminder that there are things in life so valuable that you must risk the pain of losing them for the joy of briefly having them